Spanish Language Courses in Chile

If you are planning to learn Spanish, think of Chile as your destination. Our language programs are designed by professionals with the necessary flexibility to be an excellent way to start improving or developing your language skills as you are exposed to daily life language challenges as you explore the contrasts in life, people, geography in one of the safest countries in South America.

Our language center is located in Providencia, a lively neighborhood, close to subway and public transportation, in Santiago city, Chile’s capital city.

We are focused on teaching in a very personalized and communicative way in order to connect language and culture to make the most out of your time and experience in Chile.

Programs are aimed at individuals, groups or school groups with different interests, language levels and needs (standard, work environments, studies or spare time).

We follow language levels as described by the Common European Framework Reference for the four language skills (listening, writing, reading and speaking) to build up on specific pathways for every course.

learn spanish in santiago

curso espanol

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CLC Center for Languages & Culture - Chile
Barros Errazuriz 1954,
Oficina 1602, Providencia,
Santiago, Chile

mapa experiment

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